AI Tools for Video Production – Shaping the Future

AI Tools for Video Production – Shaping the Future

The video production industry has come a long way since its inception, and has been consistently revolutionized at every stage of its development by the advent of technological progress and creative revamps. The advent of AI tools is no exception, as it’s set to take another leap forward and transform the ways in which we conceptualize, produce, and enjoy videos. AI-powered technologies are transforming the video production process, from pre-production to post-production, and beyond.

At Screenax, we’re keenly aware of the potential AI impact and are at the forefront of this exciting, yet another technological revolution in video production. We stand ready to explore and utilize AI tools for video production, recognizing its potential to revolutionize the industry.

With this in mind, below we set out the AI tools for future of video production and how these are going to shape the future of the industry in our opinion.

Pre-production AI tools

Pre-Production AI Tools

The first stage of video production involves scriptwriting, content generation, casting, talent scouting, as well as location scouting. With AI-powered tools, these processes can be optimized and streamlined to save time and resources. AI-assisted scriptwriting and content generation tools already help generate high-quality, optimized content.

While it isn’t long before AI-driven casting and talent scouting tools will help identify and select the best talent for a given project. We believe virtual location scouting and set design tools will follow suite and help visualize sets and locations before filming, making the process more efficient and cost-effective.

Examples of AI-assisted scriptwriting tools include Synths Video, which transform blog posts into videos in seconds, as well as Writecream, and epnimous Chat GPT if used ably in this respect.

Production AI tools

Production AI Tools

During production, AI-powered technologies will most certainly enhance and optimize camera techniques, lighting, sound design, and even VFX. We believe it is only time before AI-assisted cinematography tools can analyze and recommend the best camera angles and movements, while AI-controlled lighting and sound design tools can help adjust lighting and sound levels in real-time.

Real-time VFX and virtual production environments can be utilized to create immersive environments that are difficult or impossible to create in the real world. Additionally, collaborative AI tools can facilitate remote and hybrid production workflows, allowing for more efficient and flexible production processes.

AI tools readily in use include Synthesia, which generates AI videos using AI avatars. The platform provides a large selection of over 60 languages and numerous templates, including a screen recorder and media library, allowing customers to create custom videos to meet their individual requirements.

Lumen5 helps generate videos from the input script or text, with the AI selecting the best audio and images to match. While Pictory AI creates videos from any static images. Moovly provides a platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to design videos with customizable animations through the use of templates. These are just a few of the AI tools already revolutionizing the video production industry with many more set to follow suite in the near future.

Post-production AI Tools

Post-Production AI Tools

In post-production, AI-powered tools can help optimize and enhance video editing, color grading, visual effects, and sound design. AI-enhanced video editing tools can help automate certain tasks and make the process more efficient, while advanced color grading tools can help create more realistic and visually appealing colors.

AI-driven visual effects tools can be used to add special effects or make small tweaks to a scene, while AI-powered audio processing and sound design tools can help improve the quality of sound and dialogue. AI-driven metadata generation can help with content discoverability, making it easier for audiences to find and engage with content.

Runway is a pioneering AI application that allows for greater video post-production capabilities, such as layer editing, object replacement, speed adjustment, noise removal, and the addition of subtitles and other visual effects. is a well-known AI tool that stands out for its single-click auto-subtitle feature, making it suitable for quickly creating videos for social media.

Descript is an AI-powered tool that specializes in sophisticated audio editing for videos and podcasts. The technology, based on neural networks, makes it easy to modify audio, employ various transcription modes, delete filler words, use templates, add animations, and more to quickly craft professional videos.

Impact of AI Tools on Video Production

The use of AI tools in video production has numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, improved creative flexibility, and democratization of high-quality video production. With AI tools, video production can be completed in less time, with fewer resources, and with a higher level of quality. This allows for more experimentation and creative freedom, as well as more accessible and affordable high-quality video production for businesses and individuals.

And while some AI tools are already in use the industry is advancing with geometrical progression and it is only a question of time before AI powered tools will create captivating, Hollywood standard titles and video content from scratch, in seconds, and at a fraction of the cost it previously implied.

However, there are also potential challenges and ethical considerations that need to be addressed, such as ensuring AI-driven tools do not compromise artistic integrity, potential job displacement, and workforce adaptation, concerns around AI-generated deepfakes and misinformation also remain, as well as data privacy and intellectual property concerns.


AI tools are becoming an increasingly important aspect of the video production industry, and their impact is set to explode in the future. As a creative media and video production company, we recognize the importance of embracing innovation while maintaining ethical standards.

The future of video production lies in a combination of AI and human collaboration enabling stories to be told in previously unmatchable ways, and we’re excited to see where this partnership takes us. Because at Screenax we believe a great story is always great!